Early Ad for Napa Water


Below is a re-creation of an advertisement which appeared in the
Napa Reporter in 1860. This may be the first public announcement
of the sale of the water. It also heralds the beginnings of today's
billion-dollar bottled water industry. Pictured above is the facility
that was soon built but later replaced by Jackson's resort.

From   the Mountain   Springs,   Napa.

THE    proprietors    of    the    above    celebrated
water   would   respectfully   inform   the   public   that  they
have established a General Depot at Napa City for its sale
and distribution.   This water has been analyzed by   Dr. L.
Lanszveert, Practical Chemist, and is found to possess rare
tonic and invigorating properties,   and is highly efficacious
in the various diseases consequent upon a disordered state
of the Stomach,   Liver,   Kidney & c. This water is particu-
larly recommended to dyspeptics and to persons whose con-
stitutions   have become impaired  by the continuous use of
ardent  spirits.   It  will  stand  upon  its  own  merits.   As a
pleasant,   healthy and vitalizing beverage,  it is unequalled.
A trial will convince all of its superior excellence.
                                       Depot at F. B. GILMORE'S,
                                           Corner Main and 2d streets.
    For particulars enquire of A. BUCKMAN at the Springs,
or CHAS. H. ALLEN, at the Depot.

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